Have you ever had a customer ask for Estate Manager rights on your sim?

Have you ever granted the request, then regretted it the next day?


Well I have!

In fact, it just happened to me this week.

We have a customer who had a 1/4 sim and was running a club. I have no issues with club owners, but this particular club owner was the kind who wanted a Restart before every party. He wanted us to increase the avi limit on the sim so he could max it out. And he wanted to send teleport and friends requests to everyone on the sim, during the entire 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 hour duration of his parties!

Well, I don’t know about your Estate, but in my Estate thats about 3 “wants” too many for a 1/4 sim customer. Now this particular customer, like many of my customers, was a referral, so I want to be nice to him. But after a week of his shenanigans I was thinking that maybe it would be better for the customer, and better for us, if he moved to a different Estate.

We don’t do “on demand” Restarts before parties, and we generally keep our avi limit at 60 per sim.

I told my Customer Service specialist to see if she could convince him to move.

Well, she convinced him to move alright – to one of our other sims!

As it turned out we had a sim with 1/2 sim available. She convinced our club owner to move from 1/4 sim up to the 1/2 sim. In exchange, we would give him the ability to restart the sim before his events. In other words, give him Estate Manager rights.

So far, so good right?

Well, its good that we kept a customer. And its definitely good that we doubled his tier commitment. But the other shoe was about to drop.

I got a panicked message in the middle of the night. Not only had our club owner moved to the new sim, but he took it upon himself to change the land textures! The message I got said “the land texture he used is really bad and i mean really really bad.”


I better get a handle on this situation and fast.

So the first thing I did today was go back to the sim, take away the Estate Manager rights, and send the customer a “slap on the wrist” type message!

Then I redid the textures to something better than “really really bad.”

Lesson to be learned?

If you grant Estate Manager rights to a customer, be careful.

Make sure they know exactly what is OK for them to do, or not to do.

And if they screw it up, take those rights away as soon as possible!

Have fun, and good luck.