








Follow One Course Until Successful

– Why We Want You To Be Rich by Trump & Kiyosaki

[newer company] is the new Social network that pays.

It was started by one of the owners that left [just launched company] because of how poorly it was being run.

It is already 100 percent better than [just launched company].

Get a free account now and decide later if you want in it as a business.
Hold your spot now.

[newer company] Referral Link
Sign up for free.
Get in early.” – message from a Facebook friend

I have noticed that the more good quality material you can force into your brain, the more you can make connections between things, see more possibilities, and increase your awareness of paths to success.

Last month I finished reading Your First Year In Network Marketing by Mark & Rene Yarnell.  They devote an entire chapter to the topic of Focus. I quote from Chapter 6 “Fending off the Scatter Bomb

“[T]he Scatter Bomb is a mental explosion that diffuses the focus of distributors, causing them to… frantically follow any and every new network marketing system that comes along.”

There is a new network marketing company that was hyped by many of my Facebook friends over the last few weeks.  Everyone seemed so excited about the possibility of getting in during Pre-Launch and being able to position themselves in the matrix so when this company launched they would all be rich-rich-rich! A few days after this company launched, I got the above message from someone who had been a big cheerleader for the launch.  Hmmm it looks like the Scatter Bomb found another victim!

It can be soooo difficult to FOCUS, especially for new network marketers or anyone using the internet to build their fortune.  Every day we are bombarded with email ads, instant messages, banner ads, text ads, Google ads, pop ups, pop unders, all promising to make us RICH RICH RICH if we will only buy into the latest book, tape set, personal development course, or pre-launch matrix.

If you want to succeed in network marketing, in real estate investing, as an entrepreneur, it is so critical to maintain that focus, and as Robert suggests, Follow One Course Until Successful.

If you have a network marketing or MLM business, is your primary program with a stable, established company?  Does it have a good history of paying on time?  Does their compensation plan make sense to you?  Is it lucrative?  Do they have a product or service you believe in and can represent with integrity?  If you can’t answer Yes to all those questions, do some research, and find the right company and opportunity for you.  Do the research first, so you do not become another victim of the Scatter Bomb!

Give yourself the time needed to become successful and reach your goals.  The Yarnells write about a four year plan, while Kiyosaki suggests you give yourself five years in network marketing to learn the necessary skills to become a success.

Keep in mind that most network marketing plans are designed to provide you with massive residual income once your business is built up.  This may mean that you need to do some retailing or find some other source of income as you build your business.

Whatever your wealth vehicle is, master it before you attempt another course of action.

Amanda and I went to the Rich Dad Forum in February, where we learned a lot and met some great people and heard some great speakers.

One of the stories that really stuck with us was told by Martin Roberts.  He is a writer, real estate rehabber, and does television shows on BBC.  This is kind of one of those “you had to be there” stories, but he related how he was on his tv show doing and interview with several women who were in a pop band.  They were, as he put it, drippingly gorgeous.  He asked them – if he wanted to become the leader of a pop band, what would he have to do.  The pretty singer looked at him and responded, in her thick British accent, “you have to F’cus”  Martin was stunned at what he was hearing!  It sounded like his wildest fantasy was coming true.  He looked at his assistant director, who shrugged.  Martin tried again, asking, what would he have to do to be successful?


You must FOCUS to be reach your goals!