Hi everyone.

Taking a glance at my blog for this month should give you an idea of just how hectic things have been this month!  I haven’t posted all month aside from posting about our Mastermind Webinar series.

Here’s what’s been happening.

Last month we had our Cashflow 101 meeting where one of my friends suggested I read the book The Four Hour Work Week.  I had heard about the book before but didn’t think much about it.  I have pretty much been waiting for it to come out on paper back.

Well the following weekend Amanda and I went down to the beach, spent some money, and had some fun.  While we were down there I picked up a couple of records (the vinyl kind) (that you listen to) (oh nvm), and Amanda picked up yet another book on gardening.  We wandered into a bookstore and I happened to see The Four Hour Work Week there so I thought what the heck.  I have $20 in my pocket, the book costs $20, I need a new book to read, let me go ahead and get it.

Now at this point you may be thinking – wait a minute.  Why is it that he gets a book called the 4 hour work week and then gets too busy to post on his blog?!  hehe fair question.  I read the book as quickly as I could absorb the information, and I think it is absolutely fantastic.  It covers a lot more information than just “outsourcing” which is what I thought it was all about.

I followed up my reading by subscribing to Jon Jonas’ program called Replace Myself, which is kind of a practical, hands on, step by step guide on how to multiply your income by hiring workers from the Philippines.

See what happened was this.

I’ve been thinking a lot about outsourcing in different ways.  Our “bread and butter” internet business is thriving, but some of our other businesses have been somewhat stagnant.  Partly it is because our main business was eating up too many minutes (time), and partly it is because, frankly, the work involved in the other businesses is tedious.

To be successful in those businesses you have to do certain things every day, day in and day out, for weeks and months on end.  Kind of like having a job.  I don’t mind doing the work to learn the business, but at some point to get what I need out of life I have to hire other people to do the grunt work.  Or what Amanda and I like to call Post Monkey stuff.

I also realize that for this to work well there are some things that I am going to have to do myself.  That’s just the nature of internet marketing, or in particular Network Marketing like Amanda and I are doing.

So all of these things have been happening at the same time, which has made for a very hectic month!

1. We started hosting our Mastermind Webinar series.  This takes up a lot more time and effort than you would think.  I have new respect for people who are able to do this every week!

2. We hired a General Manager for our Second Life land business.  This has meant spending time training at nights when I’d rather be goofing off.

3. We spent time interviewing and hiring our first workers from the Phillippines.  This has meant training, plus making videos and documents etc than can be used for future training.

4. We have been working on our expansion of Segarra Estates to include Open Sims.

All of this has added up to a lot of working minutes this month, with the goal of increasing our income, and free time, in future months.

Everything we do is for the goal of getting paid multiple times for the same efforts.  The effect of it is sometimes we work a whole bunch, and sometimes we play a whole bunch, and we keep on earning while working or playing!

When you understand the difference between being a business owner and being stuck in a self-created job, you can start enjoying the life of your dreams.

Have fun, and good luck!