Hi everyone.

I’m trying to think of an easy way to get into this topic without wandering all over the place with a back story so I’m just going to cut to the chase.

To be a successful internet marketer – you need to track your results!

What does this mean?

It means every time you get a lead, customer, or sale, you want to know how did your customer find you?  What was it that they saw that brought them to your website?  If at all possible track them all the way through to the sale.

I know this sounds simple and obvious but it is something so many people miss out on.  Stick with me through these examples and you’ll see what I mean.

Our network marketing company has a big price tag and pays a big commission, so we have seen a bunch of different and expensive schemes out there to promote it.  Its almost like gambling.  People will spend $5,000 or $6,0000 or $10,000 on these big expensive campaigns, hoping for the pay off. They know that it only takes a handful of sign ups for them to make their investment back plus more.

The schemers who prey on these inexperienced marketers make it seem oh so easy. “Just cough up six grand for our Super Mega Advertising Co-op and you’ll make back twelve grand before you know it. And the best part is – you won’t have to do anything but write the check!”

You ever hear the expression there’s a sucker born every minute?

Now don’t get me wrong. I have a lot of empathy for the new marketer. Everything can seem so confusing, and the schemers make it seem so easy.

It’s not that I think that new marketers are suckers, well not exactly.  Its just that when you have the ability to charge a large amount on a credit card, and you are lazy, inexperienced, fearful, or a combination of the three, you need to be cautious.

Believe you me folks I am doing my best to be careful and compassionate about what I’m saying here.  I’m the last person who likes to use the S word (SCAM) indiscriminately.  But some of the things that I have seen really make me wonder how some people sleep at night.

For example, lets say you market a product that pays you $1,000 in commissions for every sale that you make.   Someone tells you you will get great results using Postcard Marketing.  They will send out 20,000 postcards for you for $5,000, and each postcard will have your website url on it.

Sounds great right?

You will only need to get 5 sales from the 20,000 Opportunity Seekers who get your postcard, and then you will make your money back.  All the extra sales on top of that will make you RICH RICH RICH!

So you reach into your wallet, pull out your trusty lender Mr. Visa, and put yourself another $5,000 in debt.

And then you wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Oh look you got a lead.  It didn’t put money in your pocket yet but its just a matter of time right?

Your postcards must be working!

Oh look you got another lead.

YAY you got a sale!  Cha-ching!  $1,000 back in your pocket!

Everything is going great.  Maybe you make your investment back, plus more.  But the thing is this – how can you track those sales back to your Postcard Campaign?

In case you haven’t guessed it by now, when we saw this particular madness going on, there wasn’t any way to track results!  People were spending thousands upon thousands of dollars on marketing campaigns that they had no control over, they couldn’t track, and lo and behold they weren’t getting any sales either.  Bummer!

Those same people saw Amanda and I getting leads, sign ups, and sales, and wondered what it was we were doing?!

The answer is – a lot of little things.

We do a lot of little things every day, every week, every month, to build our business.  And we track nearly everything we do.

The most basic form of tracking is through the use of a Tracking ID.  When you click to join our MLM marketing system, I will track the sale back to this blog.

Different websites will use different formats for this, but they all work basically the same way.

Another way to track is by registering a domain name for a specific marketing campaign.

This is especially useful when you are doing video marketing.

I wanted to create a video series that points back to our MLM marketing system.  When I finish the video I want the viewer to visit my website.  Expecting them to type in the url plus a tracking ID is way too much to hope for. I could try to use the same domain name with a Tracking ID such as /?t=video, but odds are it isn’t going to be very effective.

Instead, I register a new domain name with Go Daddy. A .com domain name costs about $10 for the year, while a .info costs $1. So for as little as a dollar I can track the results of my video campaign for an entire year!

Now when someone views my video they will see the url I registered, which actually points to the main site with the /?t=video tracking id added.

I know this may sound a little bit confusing, but make the extra effort to track your results. Do a lot of little things to build your business, and track your results. You will get a better sense of what is working, what’s not working, what you should concentrate on, and what you should just leave alone.

Instead of losing $5,000 on one campaign that may or may not work, you can chop that up into, say, 50 campaigns of $100 each.  You track the results of each campaign, then concentrate your money and efforts where you will get the greatest return.

This is one of those little things that makes a big difference.

Have fun, and good luck!