Hey guys, hope you are having an awesome week!

Here in 2013, now that smart phones and tablets are everywhere, you can actually log into Second Life from your phone! I’ve been travelling all week, which in the bad old days used to mean leaving the business unattended, or bringing a laptop along.  This time around I borrowed my wife’s Google Nexus 7 tablet so I could send IMs and transfer Ls.


Nexus 7

Cashing out Lindens is a critical part of the business.  As my customers pay their tier, I have to convert it into USD to cover my tier to LL.  I can skip a day here or there, but I definitely can’t go a week without a major cash cushion in place.

I have 2 separate Estates (Segarra Estates and Littleboots Land Company) which means in not only do I have to sell off Lindens as they come in, I also have to transfer Lindens from Segarra Littleboots to Lizard Howl.

Selling Ls is easy.  I can log into my Second Life dashboard from any web browser and take care of it.  But there’s no simple way to transfer Ls from one account to the other without logging into SL.  What’s a travelling lizard to do?!

Ta-dah!  Android Apps to the rescue!

I took a quick glance around the Google Play store and discovered the Mobile Grid Client app and the Lumiya app.  Either program allows you to log into Second Life from your android phone or tablet.

Mobile Grid Client

I chose Mobile Grid Client because 1. it had a 14 day free trial and 2. it did what I needed it to do.  I was able to log into Second Life and quickly and easily transfer Ls before selling them off.

I couldn’t figure out how to do was check the Ls balance in world, which was a teeny bit pesky.  So I had to log into the Littleboots account, check the balance, then log in with Mobile Grid Client, transfer the Ls, then log into the Lizard Howl account to sell the Ls.  Not much of a hassle, and it certainly did the trick!

For someone who just logs into SL from a phone occassionaly, and only needs basic functions like chat and IM, Mobile Grid Client works just fine.

If you want an android app you can use as your primary SL client give Lumiya a try.  It has great reviews and is affordably priced.

Have fun, and see you in world!
