Beautiful super fantastic cool sunny and breezy spring day here in Dover, Delaware!  I had a lovely morning with my wife and kittens, fresh from scratch pancake breakfast.  I spent a half hour or so out back enjoying the sunshine, the birds, the squirrels, while I was reading the Little Voice Mastery book, which got me to thinking….

Life is really short, you know?

Mother’s Day recently passed, Father’s Day is coming up next month, and when I get to thinking about my parents I reflect on their lives, as well as my own.  My mom died way too young, in her mid 50s.  My dad passed away a few years ago, he was in his mid 60s.

My mom was Puerto Rican, met my father in New York City in the 60s.  My dad was Irish, raised in Delaware.  They met, fell in love, moved to Ireland, had a son.  Moved back to Delaware, had a daughter.  They lived good lives.

When I reflect on their lives, however, I realize that there is quite a bit about how they lived their lives that I never understood.  Probably never will understand.  I consider myself fortunate that I was at peace with both of my parents before they died.  I can only hope that they lived and died without regrets.

There are so many things to do in this life, and only a limited number of days in which to do them.  Enjoy it while it lasts!

Whatever it is that you really want to do – DO IT!

Oh.  Beans wants me to remind you to take time out for play. lol


Like everyone, I’ve had my share of heartache and pain, gain and loss, sorrow and joy in my life.  But on reflection, if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing about what I’ve done.

You see, one thing I always heard about from my dad was that he “should have been” a college professor.  He wasn’t.

I made the decision long ago and far away, to do what I could to live life without “shoulda beens.”

You see, life is too short for regrets.

Don’t make excuses.

Do what you are meant to do.

This life is yours to live – live it!