

Copied with permission from Amanda’s blog on Virtual Breadwinner

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You Deserve it!

You deserve to be a millionaire, but it is not just going to be handed to you. Now I know you were rubbing your hands together a blog post ago and thinking: “Yeah I am gonna be a Millionaire–I am gonna have everything handed to me on a silver platter!” Don’t let me burst your bubble. Being a millionaire is all about not having to work for your money. Getting there however is all about work.

People talk about an “entitlement mentality” as a bad thing for a reason. It spawns laziness! I want you to get yourself a “deservement mentality” instead. You deserve a mint–wait, no that’s not it. Um, right–You deserve to be a millionaire because you are gonna work hard to get there. Then you are gonna kick back and have everything handed to you.

Work comes in many forms. You might sit at home writing a blog for instance. You might fiddle with web pages or sit and stare at your vision board chewing your nails brainstorming about what to do next. Until you are earning enough money to pay people to do those things for you, work is just part and parcel of the road to becoming a millionaire.

How are you going to make your Millions? You aren’t entitled to it until you earn it but you do deserve it. So go for it already!

There is work in them there hills guys. Better get crackin!