No Regrets

Beautiful super fantastic cool sunny and breezy spring day here in Dover, Delaware!  I had a lovely morning with my wife and kittens, fresh from scratch pancake breakfast.  I spent a half hour or so out back enjoying the sunshine, the birds, the squirrels, while I was...

Can you master your Little Voice?

Hi everyone. Well now that I have finished reading Blair Singer’s book on building a business team, I have started in on his book Little Voice Mastery.  It is basically about that inner voice that speaks to you throughout the day, giving you positive, and...

The PIGs Shall Set You Free

That’s a quote from The Perfect Business by Michael LeBouef. It sounds funny, but it really is true.  A PIG is a Passive Income Generator.  This is anything that puts money in your pocket without you having to be directly involved.  You may have heard this...